How to find success through habit-stacking

Have you ever thought going on a diet would be easy? 

It’s just one change, right? You change your eating!

This is why so many diets don’t work: because we’re expecting one simple change. (And that’s not entirely our fault - they’re marketed to us that way.) But in reality, it’s not just changing a single behavior. It’s changing lots of different habits. Depending on what we’re trying to achieve, it could require us to make changes to:

  • How much we eat

  • What kinds of food we eat

  • When we eat

  • How we prepare our food

  • How much time it takes to prepare our food

  • How often we go to the grocery store

  • What we bring to work

  • How often we eat at restaurants

  • Which restaurants we visit

  • How we engage in social settings

…the list goes on.

And most of us find that list to be incredibly overwhelming. When we try to change everything at once, that’s when people tend to just give up. That’s why at fuelED, we typically take a habit-stacking approach with our clients. Oftentimes, we start by identifying one or two habits that you can add, today, to your daily or weekly routine. Once you get the hang of those, and show that you can complete them on a consistent basis, we add on one or two more. Slowly but surely you’ve got a whole new set of healthy habits that’s transformed your normal routine.

“Doing something the first week was hard, but by the end it became easier - because it was now a habit.” ~Jacob

And what’s more: you just might find that you don’t have to change everything. If you’re a competitive athlete, you might want to get really specific. (And we can help with that!) But for the majority of people who just want to be healthy and/or feel confident in their own skin, regular consistency with a few basics can have a huge impact.

Are you ready to make a change in your life? fuelED can help you get there, one habit at a time.

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