New Year, New Habits: Join fuelED’s 4-Week Habit Course

Jumpstart your 2022 with a focus on good nutrition!

For just $20, you can join fuelED in our 4-Week Habit Course: establishing new habits each week to overhaul your eating and implement lasting changes. Don’t settle for restriction - instead, add in more good things so you can live healthier and happier this year.There’s a limited number of spots, so sign up today to secure yours, and get a friend to join you!


What is the goal of the challenge? We all have different outcome goals. Some of us want to lose weight, some of us want to gain it. Some of us are most focused on body composition, while others want to prioritize performance, or health, or something else. For that reason, the "goal" is consistency. Each week, we'll stack on 1-2 new healthy habits, and you'll receive points for each day that you successfully perform that habit. At the end of the 4 weeks, you should feel equipped to carry these habits forward into your everyday life!

Why now? I suppose the real question is, why not now? The challenge starts January 1st with an introduction of the first two habits; then you have time to prep (go grocery shopping, etc.) before we start formally tracking those habits on Monday, January 3rd. Start your 2022 off on the right foot by implementing new habits that will jumpstart your health and wellness.

How individualized is it? It's a group challenge - so the habits are ones that can be applied pretty broadly to almost anyone. That said, they'll be customizable for your needs and can help you jumpstart on the right path towards any health goal. If you've been wanting to focus more on nutrition but don't know where to start, this is it! If you’re looking for specific coaching that’s personalized for you and your goals, then our 1:1 nutrition coaching is where we can really dive into the specifics and create a detailed, individualized plan. But if you’re not quite ready to commit to the personal coaching, this is a great way to test it out.

Is this a weight loss challenge? Not necessarily! It absolutely can be, if that’s your primary goal. But it can also be helpful for people who want to focus on muscle gain, better performance, improved health, or even a better understanding of nutrition. This challenge isn't about severe restriction or setting unrealistic goals. It's about establishing new habits - adding in more good things - so that you can make healthy progress toward the goals you've set for yourself.

What information will I have to submit? Sign up using your email address, and you’ll receive information about how to download our tracking app. Our platform will let you easily and seamlessly track your daily performance on each of the assigned habits. Each day, you'll simply mark "yes" or "no" for each habit goal you did (or didn't) meet. You’ll also receive additional resources to help you meet those goals.

Where do I sign up? Right here! Sign up by December 31 to get started on January 1, 2022.

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