About Us
At fuelED, our vision is a world in which reliable and relevant nutrition information and health coaching is accessible to everyone.
It is not a meal plan.
It is not a 30-day challenge.
It is not a quick fix.
Instead, fuelED’s coaching programs give you the knowledge, guidance, and accountability you need to find the right eating habits - habits you can stick to achieve your health goals.
The journey to health and happiness isn’t a perfect one. We fall, we get back up. We learn, we grow, and we move the needle towards where we want to be. Our nutrition coaches believe that if you’re willing to commit and trust the process, that we can achieve the results you want to see—together.
About Our Owner & Head Nutrition Coach
My name is Allie Potter, and I love food.
But I didn’t always. I always wondered… am I eating too much? Too little? Do I meet society’s (unrealistic) expectations of what a woman should look and be like? Will I ever?
Then I started CrossFit in 2016; and for the first time in my life, I felt strong and powerful. The more passionate about fitness I became, the more I realized that it mattered what I was putting into my body. For appearance, sure (who doesn’t love to see some abs?!); but also, for how I could perform. And if I wanted to kick ass, I had to be giving my body the nutrients - and the fuel - it needed. Not only for tomorrow, or next week, or even next year; but for 40 years from now. I love hiking, kayaking, long walks with my dog, and lifting heavy weights - and I want to develop and maintain the habits now that give me the best shot of doing all these things for years to come.
M.Ed. Community Development and Action,
Vanderbilt University
B.A. Public Policy Studies / Economics,
Vanderbilt University
Meet Our Nutrition Coaches
Lauren Lowe
Nutrition Coach
I’m a married mom of two that has gone through several phases of my own fitness journey and learned a lot about what to do - and what not to do. Growing up I was heavily involved in sports and played softball, basketball, and marched in our band. Then in college and throughout my twenties I became less active, paid no attention to nutrition, became a mom, and gained a lot of weight. In 2012 I decided I had enough and started to take back control of my life. Over the last 11 years I have lost over 100 pounds, run in several races, competed in bodybuilding competitions, and spent years gaining the knowledge to confidently help others take back control of their lives, too.
Maggie Miller
Nutrition Coach
Even though I’m now in Tennessee, I’m still a Texas girl at heart. I have my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. I’ve been active my whole life; and when I started CrossFit in 2017, I was hooked. Nutrition plays a big part in maintaining strength and stamina for your health and fitness goals, and I can’t wait to help you get healthy and enjoy food at the same time!
Ready to make a change?
Let us help!
Health Coaching Disclaimer
fuelED is not a medical organization and we cannot and will not provide you with medical advice or diagnosis. Services provided by fuelED should not be interpreted as a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation, or treatment.
Services offered are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace a relationship or consultation with a qualified medical or health care professional, or registered dieticians. We encourage you to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss/gain effort or nutrition program.
If you have specific questions related to a medical matter, you should consult a physician or other professional healthcare provider. Do not delay in seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by fuelED.
fuelED and its coaching services are only intended for healthy adults.

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