What’s wrong with your New Year resolutions

Let’s set the scene: It’s the end of January. After several weeks of earnest effort towards your “NEW YEAR, NEW ME!” resolutions… you’ve lost all steam. You’re back to your old life. Looks like 2023 isn’t going to be your year after all.

Okay, okay, so it’s not exactly as “doomsday” as we’re making it out to be. But let’s be honest - can you relate?

If so, it might be because you’re trying to change too many things all at once.

We know lots of people who make, say, 20 different New Year resolutions across all aspects of their life… and then are surprised when the end of January comes and they’ve already petered out.

The evidence (both scientifically speaking, but also anecdotally through our work with all types of people) shows that the fewer things you start at one time, the more likely you are to actually still be doing those things one year from now.

And that’s the intention of New Year resolutions, isn’t it? To bring about lasting change?

So here’s what we suggest you do:

  • Choose one (or two) habits that you can add, today, to your daily routine.

  • Get used to these one or two things, and demonstrate to yourself that you can complete them on a consistent basis.

  • Then, and only then, add one (or two) more.

It’s what we call our “habit-stacking” approach.

And you know what? Throughout this process, you just might find that the life you’re longing for doesn’t require an entire overall. That you don’t have to change everything. For most of us, who just want to feel good in our bodies and show up as our best selves, consistency with a couple of basics can have a huge impact.

Want meaningful change that actually lasts?

Work with us - and, slowly but surely, you’ll have a whole new set of healthy habits that’s transformed your routine and brought about sustainable, long-term results.

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