A reflection on habit change

Early this morning, I was at the airport and I bought three things: a water, dried fruit, and a book on managing yourself (classic #entrepreneur). The cashier looked at my items and said to me, "Wow, you’re making some healthy decisions today!" Which surprised me, but then I said ‘Thanks! I’m trying to start this Monday morning off right.’

As I made my way to the gate, I couldn’t stop thinking about this interaction. First of all, because it was so noteworthy to the cashier for a person to be purchasing water and fruit - enough, at least, to comment on. But second - and perhaps most - of all, I thought about how not all that long ago, this wouldn’t have been my go-to purchase. But here I was, making ‘healthy decisions’ without even really thinking about it…in fact, I didn’t think about it at all.

I don’t share this to brag, because rest assured I make my fair share of ‘unhealthy’ choices like the rest of us. But because it speaks to the incredible power of habit change. How making small, incremental lifestyle changes 📈 (and staying consistent with them for long enough) helps us develop the habits needed to make the transition from ‘always on a diet’ to ‘leading a healthy lifestyle’ - without feeling deprived and miserable.

Just like you don’t really need to think about brushing your teeth or putting your seatbelt on, one day you reach for the water instead of the soda. You find yourself wanting vegetables - or, at least eating them because that’s just part of your routine. You pack protein-rich snacks for a road trip. This doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s hard work at first - but these kinds of changes are well worth the beginning effort.

Want to develop your own healthy habits - for good this time - but don’t know where to begin? Personal nutrition coaching may be a great place to start. 

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