What makes fuelED different?

young woman on friendly video chat with online nutrition coach

When it comes to navigating your nutrition, we know you’ve got lots of options.

Why would clients, with all these options, choose to work with fuelED? We’ve got years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients… so there must be something to it, right?

What makes us different?

Well, a few things come to mind:

1. We take a highly individualized approach. 

This makes it hard to describe what our nutrition coaching looks like, because it’s different for every person; but that’s also the beauty of it. With fuelED, you don’t get some cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all nutrition plan. Instead, our coaches work with you to figure out where you’ve been, what you want to achieve, what’s worked (and not worked!) for you in the past…all so they can figure out the right starting point. Then, through our weekly check-in process, we continue to tweak and adjust that plan - so that it grows/evolves as you do.

2. We keep nutrition coaching affordable. 

While we work with people who love fitness, we firmly believe that nutrition coaching isn’t just for the elite athlete going to the Olympics - nor is it just for those with cash to burn. Us “normal people” can also stand to benefit greatly from focusing on our eating habits, and we strive to keep the price point accessible to as many people as possible.

3. We are not focused on just weight loss.

This is important, even if you want to lose weight, because a more holistic approach is what brings about long-term results. This isn’t a “quick fix.” We work with you on your nutrition, but we also discuss movement, hydration, sleep, stress management, recovery… all things that play a very important role in a person’s ability to lose weight - and keep it off. 

So there you have it!

And while we have full confidence that the structure and support of our personal coaching can help you get where you want to be - for good! - we also know that everyone’s situation is different. So if you’d like to discuss our services further, to determine whether or not they’re right for you, feel free to book a free call. :)

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