Macros on the menu: How to track food while eating out

group of friends in their 30s enjoys a healthy restaurant meal together

Maintaining a balanced diet while dining out can be a challenge, especially when you’re tracking your macros (i.e., macronutrient intake) for fat loss or performance. But we’ve got good news! With a little preparation and knowledge, it's entirely possible to enjoy restaurant meals… all while staying on track. Here are 10 of our top tips for making healthy choices outside of your home:

1. Do your research.

Before you even head to the restaurant, take a moment to research the menu online. Some restaurants now provide nutritional information, including calorie and macro content, on their websites. Even if the restaurant doesn’t have this information, you can still estimate the ingredients and get a decent understanding of what’s available – helping you make informed choices about what to order. 

2. Plan ahead.

Use your food tracking app of choice (MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, etc.) to plan your meal in advance. These apps often have a database of restaurant dishes, making it easier to estimate the macros in your chosen meal. (But again, even if it doesn’t, you can log something close or enter the meal by its ingredients.) Log the meal you’ll be eating before you even arrive at the restaurant; or better yet, when you can, log it the night before so you can plan the rest of your day accordingly.

3. Prioritize protein.

Protein is a crucial macronutrient, but it can be difficult to get enough while eating out if you’re not careful. Look for dishes with lean protein sources such as grilled chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef, or even tofu. These tend to provide satisfying protein – without extra fats or carbs.

4. Be smart with your carb choices.

Whenever you can, opt for complex carbohydrates that provide sustained energy and are rich in fiber. Whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes are great choices – and you get a lot more food per calorie than some other options.

5. Be mindful of fat intake.

While fats are also important (all three macronutrients are!), they are also calorie-dense. And restaurants tend to have lot of “hidden” fat (e.g., in how much oil or butter they use to cook). When you can, choose fat sources like olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds; and request dressings/sauces on the side so you can control the amount you use.

6. Customize.

Don’t be afraid to modify your order to align with your macro goals. Ask for substitutions or adjustments, such as steaming or grilling instead of frying, or replacing a side with a salad or extra veggies. They’re used to it; and if they can’t do it, they’ll let you know!

7. Think about your portions.

Restaurant portions are usually much larger than what you would prepare for yourself at home. Consider splitting your meal with a friend, or ask for a to-go container at the beginning of the meal so you can save half for later. Yum, leftovers!

8. Skip the sugary drinks.

Calories (and carbs) from beverages can add up quickly; and when we eat out, we don’t have as many to spare. Opt for water, unsweet tea, or drinks sweetened with non-caloric alternatives to leave yourself more macros for actual eating.

9. Practice mindful eating.

This is something we work on with clients even in their own homes; but eating out can be a great opportunity to practice enjoying your meal rather than rushing through it. Savor and enjoy each bite, paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. When you do, you’re much more likely to stop eating when you’re satisfied.

10. Move on!

Remember that the occasional deviation from your macros - especially when it allows you to spend quality time with family and friends! - won’t ruin all your progress. One meal isn’t going to make or break your goals. If your meal ends up being higher in macros or calories than you planned, forgive yourself and move onto the next one.

Tracking your macros while eating out requires a bit of effort, that’s true; but it’s a valuable skill that can empower you to enjoy restaurant meals without derailing your progress. By doing your research, planning ahead, and making thoughtful choices, you can have a great dining experience while also staying well-aligned with your fat loss and performance goals.

Find this information helpful? There’s a lot more where it came from! To determine whether or not our online nutrition coaching is right for you, book a free call. :)

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