Eating to 80% fullness

Can you lose weight without tracking calories?

Yes, it’s possible - but it requires being truly in tune with your body and its needs. One of the strategies experts often suggest is eating to 80% fullness; which means you eat until you’re no longer hungry, but stop before you’re stuffed. You’re aiming for a feeling of contentment here, not complete fullness. Though by the time you allow your body to fully digest, you may find that you do feel “full” after all.

And don’t worry, this isn’t about achieving some exact number. (If you eat to 85% fullness, you’ll live.) It’s more about seeking a certain feeling, which you find by becoming better in tune with your body and the cues it’s trying to give you.

Here are just a few tips to help you eat to 80% fullness:

  • Limit the distractions. Rather than scrolling through memes while you munch, put the devices away (yes, all of them!) so you can focus solely on the meal in front of you.

  • Eat slowly. Take your time, notice how each bite feels, and pay attention to what you notice about your body.

  • Periodically check in with yourself. Every few bites, ask yourself, “How satisfied do I feel? Would I be upset if I had to leave the table now? Could I still comfortably move my body after this?

  • Pause before getting seconds. If you finish what’s on your plate and find yourself wanting more, wait 10 minutes or so. If you still feel hungry after those 10 minutes, then go for it; but you may find that by giving your body even a little extra time, you no longer feel the need for a second portion.

This process takes practice. You may overshoot some days and leave the table feeling way too full, and there will be times that you wish you had eaten more. But by being consistent with the tips suggested above, you’ll develop a greater understanding (and control) of your body and its cues. Which can, in turn, help promote weight loss - if that’s what you’re after.

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