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Want to start a healthy eating plan, but don’t know where to start? Not sure how exercise fits into your weight loss plan? Working to get better sleep, reduce stress, or develop a healthy mindset? Our team of qualified nutrition coaches has compiled these helpful resources to help you navigate the world of health and wellness.
Do I need intra-workout carbs?
Intra-workout supplements are dietary supplements that people use during their workouts to help fuel their body, stay hydrated, or help them through their workouts. There are several kinds of intra-workout supplements, but here we’re focusing specifically on intra-workout carbohydrates.
Why CrossFitters need nutrition
Do you want to get better? I bet you do… after all, that’s why you CrossFit! In order to really excel, however, you can’t just focus on what you do inside the box. Here are three reasons CrossFitters need to prioritize nutrition.
Just can’t seem to hit your macros anymore? Here’s what to do.
If you’ve been tracking macros for a while, there’s bound to come a time where you just feel burned out. Maybe you just can’t bring yourself to hit those numbers anymore, though you’re not sure why… and you can’t help feeling frustrated. So what do you do when you’re having trouble hitting your numbers?
5 practical ways to get more protein
It’s one thing to know you need to eat more protein. But if you’re aiming for a certain amount each day and still not hitting that goal… how can you - practically speaking - increase your protein intake?
5 supplements that might actually be worth it
Supplements can absolutely have an effect on our health, fitness, and performance - but maybe not the effect that we think they do.