Tips for the CrossFit Open

Participating in the Open this year? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

It’s that time of year where, for a few weeks at least, CrossFitters all around the world perform the same workouts and are ranked among their peers. But it’s about so much more than just where you fall on the leaderboard - it’s about a supportive community cheering you on, pushing yourself to your greatest limits, and achieving things you never thought possible. Whether it’s your first muscle-up or your first pull-up, or a huge PR on a lift, it’s amazing what people can do in the environment of the CrossFit Open.

Want to make sure you’re as prepared as can be for these workouts? Here are a few of our favorite tips:

  • Treat it like any other training day. If you’re an avid CrossFitter, you’re probably used to doing workouts that are longer and/or “harder” than the ones we’ll see in the Open. Unlike the CrossFit Games, it’s just one workout a week for three weeks - so even if you really want to perform well, your dietary needs probably aren’t that different from normal.

  • Don’t try any new foods (or supplements). Now’s not the time to experiment. If you don’t know how your body behaves when you take pre-workout right before you exercise, this probably isn’t the time to find out. Stick to what you know works best.

  • Prioritize sleep and hydration throughout the week(s). Notice we said throughout the week and not the day before. Getting enough sleep and water on a regular basis is a crucial part of rest/recovery and helps ensure that you’re able to show up as your best self.

And remember: changes to your nutrition the week leading up to an event aren’t going to have much of an impact on your performance. It’s not perfection on any given day, but rather consistency day after day, that brings about results. So start thinking now about dialing in your nutrition for your next big event - and get started with personal nutrition coaching today!

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