Let's talk trade-offs

Every single decision you make - every action you take (or don’t take) - has consequences. As much as we wish we could tell you to have your cake and eat it too (because duh 🍰 ), real life is full of trade-offs.

And our health/wellness practices are no exception to that. Just check out the following examples:

Don't want to meal prep on Sundays? 

Totally fine! But in order to still reach your goals, you may need to allocate more time for planning and cooking during the week.

Want variety in your meals, instead of eating the same things over and over? 

We get it! But in order to still reach your goals, that probably means spending more time planning, prepping, and tracking.

Choosing to stay up late and watch the Bachelorette with the girl gang? 

Sounds fun! But understand that your performance at 6AM CrossFit the next morning may take a hit.

Don't want to cut back on the late night snacking? 

Your choice! But depending on your goals, it's likely to hold you back from reaching them in the timeframe you have in mind - so don’t be surprised when it does.

There is certainly more than one way to reach a goal - but typically, in order to achieve something, you've got to give up something else. That's just the way it is. So when making a choice, remember that every action takes us either one step closer to our goals or one step farther away. And ask yourself: "What are the trade-offs? Are they worth it to me?Are you ready to make a change? Let today be the day that you finally take one big step towards your goals and hire a personal nutrition coach - who can help guide you the rest of the way.

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