Getting back on the wagon

Several of our clients this week reported that our Tennessee 'snow storm' (which truly shut EVERYTHING down around here) made them "fall off the wagon" a little bit. Not making regular grocery runs, being out of a normal routine... all contributing to some wandering away from our nutrition and wellness goals. And if that's not the case for you this week, it will happen at some point - I pretty much guarantee it. You're bound to have a day, or a week, month, or year when you just aren't following the habits and guidelines you've set up for yourself. When that does happen, remember: you are HUMAN and sometimes we fall off the rails or make choices we wish we didn’t. Not that it makes it feel any better, but I’m just saying. It’s just part of being the imperfect beings that we are.

Also remember that nutrition, fitness, really any of this is not an all or nothing game. It’s not about being 100% perfect, 100% of the time. It’s about having the knowledge and skills to achieve goals but also to navigate the less-than-ideal situations (e.g., being snowed in) that will inevitably come your way.

So as you reflect on this past week, or another time where you feel like you've strayed off course, I encourage you to think through 1) at least one thing you were proud of/would do again (e.g., maybe you prioritized protein in meals!) and 2) at least one thing you would want to do differently next time around. And I don’t mean hitting your macros every single day, for example; I mean some different decision you could make to move the needle just a little.

Part of this journey is finding ways to make things just a little bit better. Rather than swinging between either 100% dialed in/on point or total free-for-all, we want to find a place in the middle where we can navigate situations not in our full control with some semblance of balance.

Be proud of the days that you wake up and recommit yourself to the process. If keeping motivation were easy, everyone would be doing it! It’s the building of habits and getting through the tough weeks - including getting back on the wagon whenever we fall off - that serves to set us apart.

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