Can meal prep be easy?

Many of you have hit the meal prep ground running in 2021 (which is awesome - holla!), but you may be confused about what exactly to prep. And that makes total sense, because there is SO much information out there (some of it conflicting); it's an OVERLOAD, and it can be hard for anyone to navigate.

Our biggest suggestion: try not to change too many things at once. Sometimes, if we try to go from 0 to 100 overnight, it can be overwhelming and too much and it makes us want to give up. Instead, let's focus on being "a little bit better" - small improvements, when done consistently, can really add up.

That being said, here are a few rules of thumb:

  • Each meal you'll want to have at least one protein source and one or more fruits/vegetables. Depending on your goals, don't get too caught up in the specifics and instead focus on using as many nutrient-dense, unprocessed (aka "real") foods as you can in your prep.

  • As much as possible, we want to make the nutritious meals we prep to be a convenient, go-to choice (so that we grab for them, as opposed to saying "F it, let's just order pizza"). We try to always have healthy snacks that are grab-and-go (for example, pre-cutting veggies and putting them into little baggies). The easier the healthy choices are, the more likely we are to actually pick them when the time comes.

  • The big "Sunday meal prep" day doesn't work for everyone. That being said, if you're finding that you're exhausted at the end of the day and the last thing you want to do is cook dinner... give it a shot! Devoting that time over the weekend saves a lot of time - and energy - throughout the week.

It doesn't have to be more difficult than that!

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