Nutrition Coaching FAQs

What does a nutrition coach do?

There is plenty of nutrition information out there—but most of us don’t have the time to sort through it all and/or the expertise needed to determine what’s legit and relevant (and what’s not). Nutrition coaching applies the information to your specific situation and equips you with the knowledge, guidance, and accountability to help find the right strategy - one that you can stick to - for you and your specific goals. At fuelED, we like to focus on short-term goals (related to performance, aesthetics, etc.), but also long-term goals related to health and longevity; and we individualize each client’s plan according to their starting point, individual goals, interests, and lifestyle. Long story short: nutrition coaching is what YOU need it to be!

How do I know if I should get nutrition coaching?

Do you:

  • Have specific goals related to health/wellness, fitness/performance, or weight/body composition?

  • Want to understand the effects of different foods on your body’s physical and mental wellness?

  • Want (or need) ongoing accountability in order to make things happen?

  • Understand that real, lasting change doesn’t happen overnight?

If so, then nutrition coaching is for you! Our coaching can be for elite athletes, or rich people… but it’s not just for elite athletes or rich people. Us 'normal' people have a lot to gain from the experience, too. :)

How is fuelED different from other health coaching services?

While fuelED can certainly help you achieve short-term goals, our emphasis is always on building sustainable healthy habits that create lasting change. It’s not a quick fix, not a 30-day challenge, not a fad diet, and not a one-time calculation of your macros, leaving you to fend for yourself. It’s a personal engagement with a coach who cares about you and about helping you reach your goals in the healthiest way possible. Plus, with the different levels of coaching we offer, you get to decide what style and frequency of communication you want or need.

How does the fuelED coaching program work?

Our nutrition coaching is offered as a monthly membership, with a 3-month minimum commitment. There is an initial questionnaire/consultation where we learn more about you: what you’ve done, what’s worked/not worked in the past, what you hope to achieve. The more detail, the better; because from the information you provide, we match you with a coach on our team who’s going to be the best fit for you, your goals, and your lifestyle. From that, your coach will design an initial plan; and then you will have weekly check-ins with your coach where you can ask questions, get feedback, and tweak/adjust your plan as needed. Depending on the level of coaching you choose, you’ll also be able to communicate with your coach throughout the week and/or have monthly video calls with them.

Do you offer a free consultation?

If you’re wondering about our services and whether they’re the right for you, please feel free to reach out using our Contact Form. We’re happy to hop on the phone and answer any questions you have before you commit!

Will I have to spend a lot of money on healthy food choices and supplements?

Nope - not unless you want to! Our approach focuses on eating primarily real, whole foods. While some supplements can be beneficial, they don’t matter nearly as much as whether you’re getting a majority of your food from nutrient-dense, high-quality sources. And most importantly, you and your coach will work within your personal preferences, needs, and constraints. So, if you’re used to eating out for every meal or shopping exclusively in the sales aisle, don’t worry! We will meet you where you are.

How do I prepare for nutrition coaching?

The only thing you need to prepare is your mind. We ask that you’re willing to be open, honest, vulnerable, and ready to learn. We know that you can do this - but you need to believe it, too!

What makes someone a successful coaching client?

Here are three characteristics that all our most successful clients have in common:

  1. They submit their check-ins on time, (almost) every time. We don't mean that they're perfect, or that they never slip up. (We're all human, after all!) What we mean is that they understand the value of connecting with their coach, regardless of whether or not the week went as planned. They know that committing to the check-in process helps keep them focused and mindful. (The longer you're "off the wagon," the harder it is to get back on.)

  2. They share everything - the good, the bad, and everything in between. They know that they have to share not only their victories, but also their struggles, to get the most value from coaching. They're open, honest, and vulnerable; and it pays off.

  3. They understand that real change takes time and consistency. This means they know there are no quick fixes, and that in order to see progress they're going to need to stick with something for more than a week - or even a month. And they're willing to trust the process, because they'd rather make progress that truly lasts.

What is the appropriate age for your nutrition coaching programs?

We provide nutritional coaching to adults (i.e., those age 18 and older). Besides that, it’s never too early - or too late - to focus on your nutrition!

How long does nutrition coaching with fuelED take?

We ask clients for a minimum commitment of three months. While most people see progress within the first month, this ensures that we have enough time together to develop healthy habits and really see the progress happen. After that, clients are able to stay with us for as long as they’d like! We have clients who have been with us for years now. And we even have an ‘alumni’ coaching option for those who have been with us for more than six months

How and how often am I able to speak with my coach?

This depends on which coaching package you choose. Some clients have weekly check-ins, and that’s plenty for them. Others choose to have direct contact with their coach throughout the week, between check-ins. You can also have monthly video calls with your coach, too. If you want a higher level of accountability, we can provide i

What if I have nutritional restrictions or want to follow a certain kind of diet?

Totally doable! We’ve worked with vegan clients, gluten-free clients, clients with allergies, clients with medical conditions... the list goes on. While we can’t (and don’t) offer medical services or advice, we can absolutely find an approach that meets your specific needs.

Am I allowed to have cheat day?

This is one of our most common nutrition coaching FAQs. We tend not to use the term ‘cheat’ meal/day, because we believe that pretty much all foods—in moderation—can be a part of a healthy, balanced diet! We don’t love the negative value judgment that comes with the term (i.e., foods aren’t “good” or “bad”). And if a nutrition plan fits your lifestyle, you shouldn’t have to ‘cheat’ on it. That said, if you’re asking if you must be 100% perfect… the answer is no! This is about progress, not perfection. There will be times that you don’t follow the game plan, and we will navigate those times together.

How quickly can I see results?

We’ll be honest: It’s likely not going to be overnight. That said, many of our clients see meaningful results within the first month of coaching. Many factors go into determining this timeline; including where a client is starting from, where they’re trying to go, and how closely they follow the guidelines set for them. Effort is important: the more you give to the process, the more you’ll get out of it.

Do you offer specific meal plans?

No. While we can certainly give suggestions and help you plan what to eat, we don’t offer specific meal plans. In many states, only registered dietitians (not certified nutrition coaches) can prescribe exactly what to eat.

Also, the philosophy of our coaching is less about telling you exactly what to eat and more about equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to keep the habits long-term and actually maintain the progress you see.

Now can we help you figure out what (and how much) to eat? Absolutely, that's our goal. And do we share recipe and meal ideas? Of course! But this is a process that requires your participation and commitment - to learning, to growing, to taking an active role in your health.

Will I have to count calories or macros, measure portions or use a specific plan?

While many do choose to utilize one of these strategies because they allow them to reach the individual goals they have for themselves, they’re absolutely not required. Every client is different, so every plan is different. There are plenty of ways to learn about nutrition, make better choices, and see progress without weighing and measuring your food. You and your coach will make this determination together.

What does fuelED offer besides personal nutrition coaching?

For individuals, we also have our:

  • 4-Week Habit Course (a process and structure for adopting 1-2 new healthy habits each week);

  • One-Time Nutrition Plan (a detailed, personalized nutrition plan with steps for how to implement it); and

  • Sleep Audit (a personalized report with helpful practices you can implement to improve the quality and/or quantity of your sleep, catered specifically for you and your lifestyle).

In addition to working with individuals, we also work with gyms to implement nutrition programs into their existing business model, and with employers to help them create a healthy workplace atmosphere. If you still have questions after reading our nutrition coaching FAQs, feel free to contact us today.

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